11.   In short selling, an investor borrows stock and then sells the shares.

12.   It said the switch occurred because the company that sold the shares to UTI sold it borrowed stock.

13.   Of course, Asensio is an unabashed short-seller, meaning that he borrows stock on the bet that shares will fall.

14.   Short-sellers borrow stock and sell it hoping the price will fall and they can buy it back cheaper, the difference being their profit.

15.   Short-sellers borrow stock and sell it, hoping to repay the shares at a lower price and pocket the difference.

16.   Short-sellers borrow stocks they think will fall and sell them.

17.   Short sellers borrow a stock and sell it, hoping the price will fall before they have to buy it back.

18.   Short sellers borrow stock to sell, betting that the price will fall so they can repurchase shares at a lower price and pocket the difference.

19.   Short-sellers borrow stock, betting the price will decline, enabling them to buy the shares at a lower price when they have to return them.

20.   Short sellers borrow stock and sell it with the expectation of making a profit by buying the stock back at a lower price.

v. + stock >>共 471
buy 11.04%
sell 10.66%
mix 9.40%
change 3.19%
own 2.67%
take 2.25%
hurt 2.17%
trade 2.07%
send 1.87%
boost 1.69%
borrow 0.29%
borrow + n. >>共 460
money 43.63%
cost 3.95%
fund 3.04%
share 2.77%
idea 1.63%
car 1.60%
stock 1.44%
page 1.29%
book 1.10%
rate 0.99%
每页显示:    共 38