11.   If the bombing continues through the summer, will Yugoslavia reach a point where it is defeated without surrendering?

12.   If he does not, the bombing will continue, said Raanan Gissin, an adviser to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.

13.   In the Middle East, Arab states with potent radical Islamic movements, like Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, become more anxious every day the bombing continues.

14.   Meanwhile, the bombing continues, which benefits the Northern Alliance but makes it harder for Musharraf to maintain control.

15.   NBC News said Pentagon sources indicated the bombing could continue three or four more days.

16.   President Boris Yeltsin of Russia, a country that is friendly to the Serbs, is threatening to aim Russian missiles at NATO countries if bombings of Yugoslavia continue.

17.   Refugees cannot return, Milosevic said, as long as the bombing continued.

18.   Some observers have already suggested that the bombing will continue well into the summer unless the Serbian government gives in.

19.   The bombing continues nonetheless.

20.   The bombing was continuing in Kosovo, and the national meditation over Littleton went on.

n. + continue >>共 1148
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investigation 2.20%
talk 1.81%
government 1.60%
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investor 1.34%
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bombing 0.18%
bombing + v. >>共 259
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continue 4.35%
occur 3.41%
come 2.82%
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