11.   Only the bologna sandwich has dropped off the list, replaced by the turkey sandwich.

12.   Rebecca Lutto dropped out of college to join the army, and the army handed her a bologna sandwich and a pair of khaki bloomers.

13.   Shortly before noon, a crowd lined up for a lunch of bologna sandwiches, baked beans and potato ships.

14.   Sheriff Joe Arpaio believes in feeding criminals bologna sandwiches, forcing them to live in tents and making them work on chain gangs.

15.   She turned to a son who sat eating a bologna sandwich.

16.   The team could eat bologna sandwiches and potato chips and still win, which the team did.

17.   They earn their bologna sandwiches and get room and board.

18.   They spent hours together, eating bologna sandwiches and monitoring the news.

19.   He houses prisoners in sweltering tents, feeds them green bologna sandwiches and dresses them in pink underwear.

20.   Murphy said the highlight of his freedom was eating a bologna sandwich from a Bucksnort convenience store.

n. + sandwich >>共 182
cheese 8.72%
ham 6.33%
turkey 6.19%
tuna 4.22%
beef 3.94%
bologna 3.23%
salad 3.09%
finger 2.95%
bacon 2.53%
cucumber 2.39%
bologna + n. >>共 5
sandwich 85.19%
aria 3.70%
person 3.70%
picklewich 3.70%
spread 3.70%
每页显示:    共 23