11.   The board consists of four funeral directors and a consumer representative, all of whom have voiced opposition to rental caskets.

12.   The board consists of the attorney general, the lieutenant governor, the speaker of the House, the comptroller and the land commissioner.

13.   The board will consist of eight current directors from Public Service of Colorado and six current directors of Southwestern Public Service.

14.   The board would consist of five people chosen by the mayor, in consultation with the City Council.

15.   The board would consist of nine members who would serve three-year terms, with no director holding office for more than two consecutive terms.

16.   The boards would consist of experts appointed by the governor rather than representatives of the power industry and consumer groups, as is the case now.

17.   The registry board consists of five unpaid members who work without a staff, and offenders are required to register under the honor system.

18.   The San Antonio branch board consists of seven members, four appointed by the Fed in Dallas three by the Fed board of governors in Washington.

19.   Its board consists of senior executives drawn from the management of those companies who are members.

20.   The board consists of three Hynix executives and seven outside directors.

n. + consist >>共 1044
group 4.33%
team 3.11%
system 1.29%
panel 1.06%
treatment 1.06%
device 1.02%
board 0.99%
meal 0.95%
commission 0.91%
diet 0.87%
board + v. >>共 848
be 7.95%
say 5.81%
have 4.48%
meet 3.67%
approve 3.14%
decide 2.87%
vote 2.57%
make 2.05%
consider 2.03%
recommend 1.44%
consist 0.35%
每页显示:    共 26