11.   Ranariddh, who was toppled as co-prime minister in a bloody coup by Hun Sen last year, returned Monday from a private visit in Bangkok, Thailand.

12.   Ranariddh, whom Hun Sen deposed as co-prime minister in a bloody coup last year, could also be arrested, Hun Sen said.

13.   After only seven months in office, he was ousted by the army in a bloody coup.

14.   An uneasy coalition shattered this year when Hun Sen deposed his co-prime minister, Prince Norodom Ranariddh, in a bloody coup.

15.   As his army routed resistance forces in northern Cambodia, Hun Sen added a veneer of legitimacy Wednesday to his bloody coup by naming a new co-premier.

16.   But a bloody July coup by strongman Hun Sen that ousted his co-premier, Prince Norodom Ranariddh, prompted many nations to cut off aid to Cambodia.

17.   But ASEAN postponed entry because Cambodian strongman Hun Sen launched a bloody coup that month, ousting his co-prime minister, Prince Norodom Ranariddh.

18.   Cambodian leader Hun Sen deposed Prince Norodom Ranariddh as his co-prime minister in a bloody coup one year ago.

19.   Chavez was swept to power in a landslide last December, seven years after trying to overthrow the government in a bloody coup attempt.

20.   Court officials said Chun will be tried first for bribery because a government probe of his alleged involvement in the bloody coup has not been finished.

a. + coup >>共 288
military 22.18%
failed 9.02%
attempted 7.83%
bloody 5.28%
alleged 4.93%
bloodless 3.39%
major 3.21%
abortive 2.68%
former 2.07%
diplomatic 1.89%
bloody + n. >>共 831
coup 3.62%
glove 3.14%
clash 3.02%
conflict 2.99%
battle 2.96%
attack 2.93%
nose 2.84%
diarrhea 2.72%
war 2.32%
campaign 1.90%
每页显示:    共 119