11.   Buses and large vehicles bearing rightist slogans and blaring militant songs are a common sight in Tokyo and other major cities.

12.   Music stores advertise their wares by blaring popular songs from shop doorways, and television and video movies are unrestricted.

v. + song >>共 524
sing 20.65%
write 12.37%
play 5.93%
record 3.59%
hear 2.97%
perform 2.91%
download 1.66%
have 1.48%
include 1.28%
use 1.22%
blare 0.36%
blare + n. >>共 56
music 21.11%
horn 20.00%
song 6.67%
message 6.11%
call 3.33%
news 2.78%
siren 2.78%
appeal 2.22%
warning 2.22%
anthem 1.67%
每页显示:    共 12