11.   China wants no binding targets to stop global warming.

12.   European governments should set binding targets for putting their citizens back to work, the declaration said.

13.   Howard refused to accept a request for the forum to endorse binding uniform targets for cutting greenhouse gases.

14.   Many countries, particularly in Europe, are expected to call for strong action and possibly legally binding targets and timetables.

15.   Once legally binding targets were set nations should then be able to meet these by any methods or policies appropriate to that country, he said.

16.   The goal of the on-going meeting is to have legally binding targets and time tables for developed countries to cut their GHG emissions.

17.   The United States has opposed legally binding targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, arguing that they would harm the economy.

18.   Washington must yet commit to a legally binding target to be adopted at a global climate conference in Kyoto, Japan, next month.

19.   While developing nations are invited to ratify the protocol, they are not held to any binding targets.

20.   A proposal for a final declaration was submitted to the overall Geneva meeting Thursday stressing the need to adopt legally binding targets to limit the greenhouse gases.

a. + target >>共 508
military 5.19%
easy 4.03%
takeover 3.57%
potential 3.40%
prime 3.40%
main 2.58%
civilian 2.38%
israeli 2.28%
frequent 2.27%
possible 2.15%
binding 0.22%
binding + n. >>共 199
arbitration 19.24%
agreement 6.22%
contract 5.18%
treaty 3.92%
resolution 3.69%
commitment 3.34%
decision 3.23%
target 2.53%
site 2.42%
limit 1.84%
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