11.   The same is true of perfectly elastic billiard balls on a frictionless surface.

12.   Things as large as billiard balls suddenly behave like electrons, spreading out all over the table, following many different paths at once.

13.   Usually when two atoms collide, they bounce off each other like billiard balls.

14.   Police said the two groups argued and someone threw a billiard ball packed with gunpowder, which exploded and killed Reis.

15.   A speeded up simulation of the star motion resemble billiard balls rolling rapidly in many directions.

16.   Debris from the explosion smashed slot machines and splintered pool tables, while billiard balls were strewn across the bloodied floor.

17.   Little wonder the best man on their team was goalkeeper Bogdan Stelea, who is as bald as a billiard ball.

18.   One police officer suffered a broken elbow after being struck by a billiard ball.

19.   The demonstrators hurled billiard balls and Molotov cocktails and police fired back with tear gas.

20.   This is a story about billiard balls, false teeth and a triumph of failed research.

n. + ball >>共 465
golf 19.65%
soccer 9.15%
tennis 7.16%
winter 4.89%
college 2.84%
rubber 2.62%
time 2.34%
double-play 1.88%
cotton 1.52%
root 1.52%
billiard 0.74%
billiard + n. >>共 14
ball 26.25%
table 23.75%
room 16.25%
hall 12.50%
parlor 6.25%
center 2.50%
club 2.50%
cue 2.50%
bomb 1.25%
computer 1.25%
每页显示:    共 21