11.   Such bills have to meet a number of criteria, apart from the credit rating of the bank which accepts the bill.

12.   Almost every bill before Congress has some plan for subsidies.

13.   Although the bill has little chance of passage in the Senate, the vote reflected congressional feelings about a massive US intervention, GOP leaders said.

14.   Also, several of the changes have to be implemented in separate bills, and many routine authorization and appropriation bills have yet to be passed.

15.   And a Senate companion bill has no dairy provision.

16.   And the bill has provisions that block money for embryo research and place limits on the travel of some Cabinet secretaries.

17.   And then bills will have to be paid.

18.   And still others worried that the bill could have side effects that are not yet evident.

19.   And why several bills have been filed calling for a moratorium on capital punishment.

n. + have >>共 1318
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bill + v. >>共 493
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pass 4.56%
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