11.   Embroidering furiously on this setup, Price creates a full-blown universe of tangled motives, inexorable pressures, attention-getting backdrops and small roles that make big impressions.

12.   Finally, companies wishing to make a big impression can go for celebrities with high marquee value.

13.   For Clay, Joyce, McEwan and several other area athletes, it marks the beginning of a long summer during which they hope to make a big impression.

14.   Gary Harrell is the smallest Giant, but he is making a big impression.

15.   He gives the young man a job as handyman and Rafael makes a big impression on the regulars who frequent the Excelsior dance studio.

16.   His favorite is the Popeye theme, a tooth-tapping sea chanty that made a big impression on Wolff when he was growing up.

17.   It made a big impression on me.

18.   It made a big impression.

19.   It had a big impression on me.

20.   It made a big impression on fashion designer Stella Carakasi when the Boutrous brothers asked her to join their fledgling manufacturing company and design clothing made of hemp.

a. + impression >>共 357
first 15.10%
good 7.19%
lasting 6.92%
false 4.56%
strong 4.06%
overall 2.55%
wrong 2.19%
big 2.05%
initial 2.01%
favorable 1.92%
big + n. >>共 1140
company 2.24%
city 2.08%
play 2.02%
difference 1.40%
man 1.37%
part 1.27%
problem 1.26%
one 1.22%
question 1.16%
hit 1.03%
impression 0.08%
每页显示:    共 46