11.   Since then, the rebel forces have considerably weakened because of battle casualties, surrenders, factionalism and loss of popular support.

12.   Since then, the rebel have weakened considerably because of battle casualties, surrenders, factionalism and loss of popular support.

13.   Since then, communist ranks have thinned because of battle casualties, surrenders and factionalism.

14.   Since then, rebel ranks have thinned because of battle casualties, surrenders, factionalism and loss of popular support.

15.   Since then the rebel movement has weakened because of battle casualties, surrenders and factionalism.

16.   Since then, its ranks have been thinned by battle casualties, surrenders and factionalism.

17.   Since then, its ranks have thinned because of battle casualties, surrenders and factionalism.

18.   Since then, its ranks have thinned by battle casualties, surrenders and factionalism.

19.   The Abu Sayyaf has been substantially weakened by battle casualties and infighting.

20.   The government routinely reports high rebel battle casualties and low army losses.

n. + casualty >>共 122
rebel 32.37%
guerrilla 9.13%
government 7.69%
army 5.77%
battle 3.53%
war 3.04%
troop 3.04%
battlefield 2.24%
coalition 1.44%
police 1.28%
battle + n. >>共 357
line 12.11%
zone 9.39%
flag 7.44%
scene 6.11%
tank 5.44%
plan 5.28%
front 3.28%
gear 2.82%
site 2.51%
area 1.74%
casualty 1.13%
每页显示:    共 22