11.   For example, superior rigidity helps make German luxury cars feel like rolling bank vaults, but the rigidity comes at the price of excessive weight.

12.   For that matter, so are the three surviving Beatles, who reunited briefly but long enough to add considerably to their bank vaults.

13.   From the outside, the basement room where the Pierpont Morgan Library stores its extensive collection of original music manuscripts looks like an impenetrable bank vault.

14.   Gold likened the code-breaking programs to a key that could be used to break into a bank vault.

15.   He keeps the items in bank vaults.

16.   His employer, Diebold Inc., manufacturers bank vaults and automated teller machines.

17.   How many times can audiences enjoy watching black-leather-clad criminals rappelling through bank vaults like chic rock climbers?

18.   In the former bank vault in the basement, shoppers will find a test track where they can try out remote-controlled vehicles.

19.   Investigators said they were hoping to find some sort of log book in the bank vaults that would indicate the sources of the cash.

20.   Mercedes was building big, boxy bank vaults.

n. + vault >>共 65
bank 39.53%
storage 3.49%
steel 2.91%
courthouse 2.33%
government 2.33%
practice 2.33%
rib 2.33%
aisle 1.74%
basement 1.74%
fan 1.74%
bank + n. >>共 431
loan 7.25%
stock 6.18%
official 6.14%
share 5.07%
deposit 4.10%
robbery 3.40%
employee 2.41%
branch 2.11%
executive 1.97%
merger 1.78%
vault 0.66%
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