11.   That ban now takes immediate effect.

12.   The ban will take effect as soon as the commission delivers a formal letter to the Coast Guard and U.S. Customs later today, Creel said.

13.   The ban would take effect after the commission delivers a formal letter to the Coast Guard and U.S. Customs later today, Creel said.

14.   The ban takes away the right of general managers to sign players to individual contracts, giving that power solely to the Player Relations Committee.

15.   The ban will take effect as soon as the commission delivers a formal letter to the Coast Guard and U.S. Customs tomorrow morning, Creel said.

16.   The Fair Association, which leases the Fairplex from the county, says a ban would take away almost one-third of its yearly revenues.

17.   The smoking ban will take effect a year from today, he said, during his regular Saturday radio address.

18.   They said the possibilities under study included reducing the number of weapons it would cover and delaying the date at which the ban would take effect.

19.   Under the new bill, the ban would take effect when the legislation is approved by a congressional committee, the newspaper said.

20.   Under the new bill, the ban would take effect when the legislation is approved by a congressional committee.

n. + take >>共 1201
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people 1.59%
meeting 1.38%
investor 1.22%
police 1.16%
process 1.02%
official 1.00%
attack 0.80%
team 0.79%
ban 0.08%
ban + v. >>共 305
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