11.   His bail bondsman said the actor told him the pressure of doing the show led to his relapse.

12.   Leonard knows private investigators, judges, lawyers, small-time promoters, bail bondsmen, doctors, auto workers, flight attendants, nuns and priests.

13.   Luis Antonio Ramos plays Ricky Guzman, the bail bondsman who reluctantly hires the Thorsons.

14.   Officials expect the service to be used primarily by lawyers, bail bondsmen and relatives of inmates.

15.   One former sheriff took kickbacks from a bail bondsman.

16.   Phoenix bail bondsman Michele Hurley agreed and insisted the delay was unnecessary.

17.   So his bail bondsman called Manuel, and it took him and his partner two days to find and handcuff Medina.

18.   Some Valley bail bondsmen agree that regulation of the industry is needed.

19.   The drive also has the support of bail bondsmen like Ms. Ownbey and Burton, who regard the case as an aberrant black eye to their business.

20.   The woman did not report the rape to guards, but told her bail bondsman after she was released.

bail + n. >>共 98
hearing 31.43%
application 8.47%
condition 8.32%
request 4.78%
bondsman 4.62%
appeal 2.77%
money 2.77%
jumper 2.31%
amount 2.16%
petition 2.00%
每页显示:    共 30