11.   Further, there is a law enforcement officer monitoring every two to four baggage screeners, who are themselves hired by the government-supervised airports, Bour said.

12.   House Republicans had opposed federalizing baggage screeners, while the Senate voted unanimously in support of such a move.

13.   However, Armey argued that the answer is not necessarily making baggage screeners federal workers.

14.   In step with airline industry representatives, many say they want to see a federal law enforcement presence at airports and an end to minimum wage baggage screeners.

15.   Investigators will try to determine whether baggage screeners acted improperly in not detaining the passenger, Brown said.

16.   President Bush pressed Congress on Thursday to approve a sweeping airport security bill that would keep most baggage screeners in the private sector.

17.   That effort is also under way, officials said, as the agency announced new eligibility requirements for federal baggage screeners.

18.   The agreement was made possible by a compromise on the status of baggage screeners.

19.   The main point of contention between House and Senate versions of the bill is whether to turn baggage screeners into federal employees.

20.   The package faces trouble in the GOP-led House, where some Republcian lawmakers vehemently oppose making the baggage screeners federal employees.

n. + screener >>共 21
airport 33.33%
security 25.00%
baggage 21.21%
checkpoint 3.03%
passenger 3.03%
airline 1.52%
bag 1.52%
luggage 1.52%
breach 0.76%
call 0.76%
baggage + n. >>共 119
handler 19.49%
handling 6.67%
area 5.47%
system 5.13%
screener 4.79%
check 3.76%
claim 3.76%
compartment 3.42%
carousel 3.25%
search 3.25%
每页显示:    共 28