11.   The new information suggests that the local police were officially encouraged to back paramilitary groups that have sprung up in Indian villages to confront followers of Zapatista guerrilla rebels.

12.   This group is backed by shareholder-owned utility companies, including Southern Co.

13.   TWA rejected bids by Jet Acquisitions Group Inc., Global Airlines Corp. and TWA Acquisition Corp., the group backed by Icahn.

14.   U.S. officials say Khatami has little control over the security and intelligence officials who back terrorist groups.

15.   When the House of Representatives was debating the legislation, several groups backed by corporations launched television ad campaigns in support of the bills.

16.   Pakistan has backed militant groups fighting to end Indian rule over three-fifths of Kashmir.

17.   Authorities have accused Iran of backing the group -- an accusation rejected by Tehran.

18.   Clinton, in calling off a U.S. military attack on Iraq last weekend, declared the administration would back opposition groups.

19.   Earlier in the day, police drove back smaller groups of protesters with tear gas, and gunfire was heard in the nearby Catia slum, a Chavez stronghold.

20.   He agreed with the Israeli assessment that nations backing terrorist groups were the major threat to the region.

v. + group >>共 783
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back + n. >>共 1281
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