11.   It remains unclear how much money, if any, Eurotunnel might be awarded.

12.   McCain has complained that such legislation would award money to Amtrak without requiring fiscal responsibility.

13.   Q. Does the Olympic committee award any money to winners of the gold, silver and bronze medals?

14.   Some academics object because the money is not awarded completely on a competitive basis.

15.   The companies have not been awarded money directly but are now part of a pool of firms the government can turn to for various contracts.

16.   The grants come from the Institute of Museum Services, a federal agency that awards operating money to museums throughout the country.

17.   The money is awarded to race winners.

18.   The more games a team wins, the more units it collects, and the more money is awarded in the future.

19.   The money will be awarded to the neediest students first until it is gone.

20.   The panel awarded money to compensate the clients for their losses, but declined to award them punitive damages, which are designed to punish and deter corporate wrongdoing.

v. + money >>共 344
raise 9.53%
make 7.69%
spend 5.71%
use 5.44%
save 4.21%
lose 4.16%
have 4.14%
put 2.53%
take 2.47%
borrow 2.25%
award 0.08%
award + n. >>共 417
contract 12.06%
prize 9.57%
medal 6.01%
point 4.90%
damage 4.03%
penalty 2.61%
grant 2.17%
license 1.90%
custody 1.74%
money 1.70%
每页显示:    共 43