11.   They do not have authority over me because the right way to treat their advice depends on my goals.

12.   They expressed the triumph of legal equality and state authority over the privileges of the landed aristocracy.

13.   The board has supreme authority over such issues.

14.   The parliament has authority over the armed forces.

15.   There may be no less original idea than the notion that our hearts have authority over our heads.

16.   In a subsequent interview with the government newspaper Izvestiya he complained that collapsing central government authority over local administrations and suppliers had made his job impossible.

17.   She controlled the horse with a length of twine and she had authority over the animal, which snorted then stepped proudly round to the gate.

18.   London merchants were able to assert their authority over their provincial rivals, and with this one can see the beginnings of centralization in the economy.

19.   How could he exert authority over them -- make them toe the line, as he had to -- if he knuckled under...

20.   Okay the king and parliament has very extensive authority over us but that does not include erm any rights of ownership in our property as individuals.

n. + over >>共 1357
concern 3.71%
dispute 3.58%
debate 3.01%
win 1.39%
battle 1.30%
controversy 1.10%
sovereignty 0.94%
authority 0.86%
fight 0.84%
difference 0.83%
authority + p. >>共 99
in 35.72%
of 14.26%
for 9.77%
over 8.27%
to 6.43%
as 2.96%
at 2.87%
from 2.66%
by 2.25%
about 2.00%
每页显示:    共 819