11.   Goose works in the student assistance center at UT, a job she inherited from her sister.

12.   He traveled with the team to New York firehouses, the World Trade Center site and to the family assistance center.

13.   New Jersey officials said they would set up their own family assistance center by Wednesday at Liberty State Park in Jersey City.

14.   Other administration officials will make a sidetrip to Seattle Monday morning to dedicate a federal export assistance center.

15.   Returnees interviewed recently at assistance centers in Jalalabad and Kabul were willing to start from scratch, knowing their homes had been destroyed and their land scorched.

16.   Salaries for tax collectors were increased to discourage corruption, and mobile taxpayer assistance centers were set up in cities and villages.

17.   So they split up, some heading to a family assistance center, the others to the Salvation Army.

18.   The assistance center dispatched a lawyer to the scene, and the police report was obtained.

19.   The department has tried to make tax forms easier to understand and has added staffing in taxpayer assistance centers in Overland Park, Topeka and Wichita, she said.

20.   The U.S. Commerce Department has established a network of export assistance centers across the country, including the one in Atlanta.

n. + center >>共 686
city 6.86%
detention 6.23%
research 3.26%
command 2.34%
distribution 2.28%
treatment 2.18%
trade 2.15%
health 1.85%
control 1.77%
rehabilitation 1.69%
assistance 0.20%
assistance + n. >>共 121
program 37.63%
package 5.15%
center 4.29%
agreement 2.72%
group 2.58%
fund 2.43%
treaty 2.29%
programme 2.15%
service 2.00%
plan 2.00%
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