11.   Rashid said RHB recently signed a technical assistance agreement with a partner in Thailand.

12.   Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Burelli on Sunday signed customs and legal assistance agreements to bolster the battle against narcotics and money laundering.

13.   The announcement came during the signing Tuesday of a legal assistance agreement on criminal matters by Perez Balladares and Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo.

14.   The legal assistance agreement that sets the guidelines for cooperation between Poland and the United Staes.

15.   Thus, it falls short of the full antitrust mutual legal assistance agreement the United States signed with Australia earlier this year.

16.   Witness protection programs and the establishment of regional mutual assistance agreements with foreign countries, including the United States will be discussed.

17.   He cited the deployment of upgraded Patriot missiles to South Korea and Japan and the technical assistance agreement to provide Taiwan with theater missile defense capability.

18.   The two countries are currently negotiating trade, fiscal and mutual legal assistance agreements.

19.   On Monday, Hurd and Foreign Minister Prasong signed a mutual assistance agreement which gives British officials more legal access to Britons who have been charged with crimes here.

n. + agreement >>共 534
peace 24.36%
trade 7.80%
cooperation 4.36%
plea 3.24%
cease-fire 3.23%
budget 2.16%
autonomy 1.73%
confidentiality 1.69%
labor 1.57%
ceasefire 1.49%
assistance 0.11%
assistance + n. >>共 121
program 37.63%
package 5.15%
center 4.29%
agreement 2.72%
group 2.58%
fund 2.43%
treaty 2.29%
programme 2.15%
service 2.00%
plan 2.00%
每页显示:    共 19