11.   The payout will be far less than has already been spent on asbestos abatement in school buildings.

12.   To determine if they contain any asbestos, break off a small piece, place it in a plastic envelope, and take it to an asbestos abatement company.

13.   To determine this, break off a small chip, seal it in a plastic bag, and take it to an asbestos abatement company.

14.   To determine that, have a piece of the tile analyzed by an asbestos abatement company.

a. + abatement >>共 8
asbestos 51.85%
lead 25.93%
costly 3.70%
current 3.70%
licensed 3.70%
qualified 3.70%
similar 3.70%
substantial 3.70%
asbestos + n. >>共 125
fiber 9.68%
exposure 5.69%
claim 5.69%
litigation 5.50%
removal 4.93%
industry 3.23%
contamination 3.23%
case 3.23%
abatement 2.66%
victim 2.47%
每页显示:    共 14