11.   In this case, supporters of the arts endowment in the Senate include very conservative Republicans as well as the core of Democratic backers.

12.   Jane Alexander, chairwoman of the arts endowment, said she was pleased that her agency had survived at all.

13.   Like the Marcos book, the Corcoran exhibition had received some of its money from the arts endowment.

14.   Most artistic directors in regional theaters have had to question the effects of a diminished arts endowment since the Reagan administration.

15.   One of them, Rep. Steve Largent of Oklahoma, would prefer the outright elimination of the arts endowment.

16.   On Thursday the House accepted the first of three rules that included language that would kill financing for the arts endowment in two years.

17.   Starting in January, the arts endowment will provide grants to organizations and institutions through four new categories.

18.   Taking their lead from Newt Gingrich, the conservative freshmen came to Washington with the arts endowment on their hit list.

19.   The books on sale bear the logo of the arts endowment.

20.   The chairman of the arts endowment, William Ivey, canceled the grant on Tuesday when told of it by a reporter.

n. + endowment >>共 14
art 36.76%
college 19.12%
factor 11.76%
university 11.76%
humanities 5.88%
library 2.94%
boost 1.47%
charity 1.47%
foundation 1.47%
land 1.47%
art + n. >>共 726
world 6.89%
gallery 6.43%
history 3.49%
dealer 3.48%
historian 2.75%
collection 2.59%
school 2.18%
director 1.99%
works 1.96%
critic 1.82%
endowment 0.36%
每页显示:    共 25