11.   In Jerusalem earlier on Tuesday, a government spokesman said Arafat had still not done enough to arrest militants or implement a truce.

12.   Israel had demanded after the Passover bombing that Arafat go on Palestinian radio and television to announce a cease-fire and that he would arrest militants.

13.   It also requires Arafat to arrest militants who plan and conduct attacks on Israelis.

14.   Israelis have often urged Arafat to arrest militants.

15.   Israeli leaders blamed the bombing on Arafat for failing to arrest militants he released from jails months ago.

16.   Israeli officials have complained that Arafat has failed to arrest militants who the Israelis suspect were involved in terrorist attacks.

17.   It said that Arafat feared being seen as surrendering if he acted to arrest militants and to take other measures publicly demanded by Israel.

18.   Joint police operations have been carried out to arrest militants, and the two countries are cooperating in intelligence gathering.

19.   Just as New Delhi is politically unable to allow Kashmiris a plebiscite on their future, so Musharraf cannot arrest Kashmir militants and hand them over to India.

20.   Northern Alliance leaders said they might be inclined to support the proposal if Pakistan promised to arrest the militants once they crossed the border.

v. + militant >>共 327
kill 13.99%
arrest 8.75%
train 3.43%
blame 3.36%
support 3.09%
arm 2.87%
fight 2.41%
suspect 2.04%
accuse 1.81%
disarm 1.81%
arrest + n. >>共 443
man 15.00%
people 14.33%
suspect 9.04%
member 2.97%
leader 2.55%
militant 1.83%
dozen 1.69%
protester 1.59%
hundred 1.51%
student 1.45%
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