11.   Five rebels were killed Thursday by army snipers in the forests around the northern town of Mankulam, Dewage said.

12.   He said another seven rebels were killed by army snipers Saturday in a nearby area.

13.   In the latest fighting, the military said one rebel was shot and killed by army snipers Tuesday as troops consolidated positions near the guerrilla stronghold of Kilinochchi.

14.   In past years, visitors passed through Israeli metal detectors to reach Manger Square and the Church of the Nativity, and Israeli army snipers were posted on rooftops.

15.   Meanwhile, in the northern battle zone, army snipers shot and killed four rebels on Sunday.

16.   On Sunday Israeli army snipers killed a Hamas militant in another West Bank city, Qalqilya.

17.   Several leading Palestinian militants have been killed in Israeli helicopter attacks or by army snipers.

18.   Sri Lankan army snipers shot and killed three Tamil Tiger rebels during fresh fighting in the northern Jaffna Peninsula, the defense ministry said on Friday.

19.   The other two rebels were shot by army snipers in the nearby village of Puliyankulam on Thursday, the officials said.

20.   Quoting the Serb News Agency SRNA, radio said the two were injured by Bosnian army sniper, Friday, adding that UN military observers were investigating the incident.

n. + sniper >>共 24
police 25.19%
rebel 25.19%
government 15.56%
army 14.81%
rooftop 5.19%
abortion 0.74%
airgun 0.74%
bureau 0.74%
commando 0.74%
devil 0.74%
army + n. >>共 530
spokesman 8.76%
officer 7.57%
troop 4.86%
commander 4.35%
official 3.82%
unit 3.34%
radio 3.18%
soldier 3.15%
base 2.89%
helicopter 2.09%
sniper 0.11%
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