11.   Police and troops, backed by armored vehicles, have surrounded the square and tried to keep other protesters away.

12.   A policeman, who was hit by a police armored vehicle during a bloody clash Monday night, also died.

13.   A policeman, who was hit by a police armored vehicle during a bloody clash, died.

14.   Choppers from the NATO-led peace force buzzed overhead Thursday and peace force armored vehicles rumbled through Brcko streets.

15.   Crimeans appear to be angered by inaccurate reports spread by the press secretary of Crimean President Yuri Meshkov that the parliament building was surrounded by armored vehicles.

16.   Equipment used in the training would include helicopters, tanks and Bradley armored vehicles, Bridges said.

17.   Eyewitnesses said the operation involved Black Hawk and Apache helicopters backing U.S. tanks and Humvee armored vehicles.

18.   Government armored vehicles fired at the surrounding hills.

19.   It was the first time the guerrillas have been known to have destroyed a government armored vehicle since fighting erupted in Kosovo in February.

20.   Not even the U.N. armored vehicles, deployed with their mounted guns pointing toward Serb positions, eased his nervousness.

v. + vehicle >>共 707
damage 3.75%
stop 3.48%
drive 2.96%
use 2.75%
search 2.72%
sell 2.12%
destroy 2.12%
park 1.99%
check 1.80%
steal 1.61%
armor 0.71%
armor + n. >>共 20
carrier 33.33%
vehicle 33.33%
car 9.65%
personnel 7.02%
bus 1.75%
hit 1.75%
unit 1.75%
area 0.88%
bumper 0.88%
child 0.88%
每页显示:    共 38