11.   The name of the LIFESPAN user nominated to approve the package.

12.   You must have LIFESPAN Quality Assurer privilege to use this option and must have been selected to approve the package.

13.   This DC cannot be activated until the other package has been approved or the other DC has been aborted.

14.   The Project Manager should advise you which LIFESPAN user is to approve your packages.

15.   You have tried to approve a package which is already approved.

16.   The request to approve a package has been processed successfully.

17.   You have tried to approve a package which references an unapproved sub package.

18.   QA LIFESPAN User Name A valid LIFESPAN user name through which Update Baseline will access LIFESPAN to approve each package which has been updated.

19.   Analysts said banks and shareholders have little choice but to approve the package, given that the alternative is to force bankruptcy.

v. + package >>共 553
offer 6.50%
open 3.78%
approve 3.75%
announce 2.59%
send 2.43%
receive 2.34%
find 2.14%
deliver 2.08%
have 2.08%
pass 1.63%
approve + n. >>共 673
plan 6.67%
bill 5.83%
deal 4.40%
measure 3.74%
legislation 2.90%
merger 2.56%
proposal 2.19%
resolution 2.10%
agreement 2.07%
sale 2.00%
package 0.79%
每页显示:    共 116