11.   Schweitzer believed that animals suffer.

12.   So herding animals suffer the inconveniences of crowding, including struggling for food and dominance, in exchange for the safety of numbers.

13.   The tumors did not recur, and the animals suffered no side effects, they said.

14.   When something goes wrong, the animal usually suffers the consequences, not the airplane.

15.   When these people and their animals are finally brought to light, the animals are invariably suffering from a variety of diseases and simple neglect.

16.   When the owner suddenly disappears and returns to work, the bewildered animal suffers separation anxiety.

17.   With such inbred stocks, breeders often find that the animals suffer in terms of their vigor and their ability to reproduce.

18.   British protesters claim animals suffer inhumane conditions during long journeys to slaughter in other EU nations.

19.   Harpooning whales and shooting baby seals is often denounced as cruel by opponents, yet Norwegian scientists Tuesday claimed the animals often suffer less than cows led to slaughter.

20.   Infected animals suffer blisters on their hooves and mouths, making it difficult for them to eat, before spreading to internal organs, causing death.

n. + suffer >>共 809
people 4.74%
child 2.26%
company 2.15%
woman 2.05%
stock 1.89%
patient 1.74%
man 1.69%
country 1.58%
victim 1.50%
economy 1.23%
animal 0.37%
animal + v. >>共 580
be 23.07%
have 7.31%
die 2.56%
get 1.63%
live 1.49%
become 1.39%
suffer 1.35%
come 1.18%
do 1.14%
eat 1.14%
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