11.   Clinton did little to advance his brand of internationalism with his angry outburst after the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty was spiked.

12.   Court officials said they had expected Milosevic to focus on NATO, since this has been the underlying theme of earlier angry outbursts in the court.

13.   For now, Jackson is preaching patience and understanding, even in the wake of several angry outbursts -- and an apparent lack of contrition -- from Rider.

14.   Given to angry outbursts or the silent treatment.

15.   I am trying to get at whether there is a history of angry outbursts.

16.   It was the angry outbursts, which a publicity counselor would surely have cautioned against, that seemed most spontaneous.

17.   Prone to angry outbursts, she spent time at an intervention center and in a foster home.

18.   She has unexplained angry outbursts, such as when they argue about boys.

19.   That hostility was apparent in her angry outbursts and disrespectful behavior.

20.   The first step in reducing hostile tendencies is to recognize how hostile you may be and the distorted thoughts and beliefs that give rise to angry outbursts.

a. + outburst >>共 243
angry 8.96%
violent 8.81%
emotional 6.42%
latest 4.78%
occasional 3.58%
frequent 2.69%
rare 2.39%
sudden 2.24%
offensive 1.94%
new 1.79%
angry + n. >>共 963
crowd 5.48%
protest 4.89%
mob 4.19%
word 2.54%
resident 2.50%
reaction 2.41%
response 2.32%
fan 2.09%
letter 1.85%
protester 1.85%
outburst 1.11%
每页显示:    共 60