11.   In a city of ancestor worship, where family history comes entombed in leather-bound albums, Parlange may be the nerviest gal in town.

12.   It also said the Yoido church focused too strongly on the importance of visions and condoned ancestral ceremonies, possibly to woo Koreans who still believed in ancestor worship.

13.   Officials say they are fighting dangerous and illegal superstitions in this area where unregistered Christian groups as well as unapproved ancestor worship and traditional sects have flourished.

14.   Our apartment in Reykjavik also had a touch of ancestor worship about it.

15.   The Dogons are known for their ancestor worship, ritual dance and elaborate woodwork.

16.   The Egungun cult, devoted to ancestor worship, is far more widespread than the Gelede, covering all of Yorubaland and some neighboring communities.

17.   The religious proselytizers brushed aside Confucianism and ancestor worship.

18.   According to Himba tradition, land use is a complex system determined by family relations and ancestor worship.

19.   African slaves brought their ancestor worship to this Caribbean nation.

n. + worship >>共 52
ancestor 20.77%
devil 11.54%
idol 7.69%
celebrity 6.92%
nature 3.08%
goddess 3.08%
body 2.31%
emperor 2.31%
morning 2.31%
adoloscent 1.54%
ancestor + n. >>共 17
worship 60.00%
altar 4.44%
cult 4.44%
cell 2.22%
chart 2.22%
deity 2.22%
file 2.22%
hunt 2.22%
painting 2.22%
practice 2.22%
每页显示:    共 27