11.   LEADS throughout to UPDATE with analyst comment, detail.

12.   BT Brokerage trader Jim Benning said the market was reacting to positive analyst comments on technology stocks.

13.   Covering as spot, with leads incorporating analyst comment.

n. + comment >>共 183
government 9.26%
week 8.10%
press 5.56%
broker 4.86%
analyst 3.01%
weekend 2.55%
newspaper 2.08%
industry 2.08%
police 1.85%
morning 1.62%
analyst + n. >>共 175
say 18.29%
expectation 16.61%
estimate 10.14%
point 5.75%
forecast 4.28%
report 3.03%
fear 2.72%
investor 1.99%
doubt 1.57%
downgrade 1.46%
comment 1.36%
每页显示:    共 13