11.   South Africa is helping its neighbors to build aluminum smelters and regional natural-gas pipelines.

12.   That option has been bitterly opposed by powerful industries most directly affected, including aluminum smelters, irrigators and barge operators.

13.   The bleak steppe that stretches from Krasnoyarsk to Tyukhtet is dotted with the smoke billowing from aluminum smelters.

14.   The roads, the pipelines, the factories, the aluminum smelters.

15.   A former manager at the local aluminum smelter, she has been unemployed for a year, the victim of massive layoffs.

16.   ALBA, which owns the largest aluminum smelter in the Middle East, traditionally uses solid pitch in aluminum production.

17.   AlBA has the largest aluminum smelter in the Middle East.

18.   China National Nonferrous Metals Industry Corp., a Chinese government-owned enterprise, will use the alumina to supply its aluminum smelters.

19.   Makki noted that major projects, including an oil refinery, an aluminum smelter, a petrochemical plant and a natural gas pipeline project, will proceed as planned.

20.   The bank has or is pursuing projects with two Tajik banks, a power plant, an aluminum smelter, and a drinking water company.

n. + smelter >>共 7
aluminum 54.76%
aluminium 23.81%
zinc 9.52%
iron 4.76%
fuel 2.38%
nickel 2.38%
steel 2.38%
aluminum + n. >>共 375
foil 15.77%
bat 5.92%
company 3.54%
can 3.35%
producer 2.90%
price 2.77%
frame 2.70%
siding 2.64%
industry 1.80%
pan 1.74%
smelter 1.48%
每页显示:    共 23