11.   Is artistic creation a lie that tells deeper truths than facts alone can tell?

12.   It is not too late for that, although facts alone will not be enough.

13.   Russell said this fact alone indicates the mine could be highly profitable.

14.   That fact alone is an immeasureable benefit to the organization and the fans.

15.   That fact alone cannot be lost on negotiations between both sides.

16.   That fact alone causes you to doubt ever so slightly whether she is in your league.

17.   That fact alone drives Rhodes, Lang and many other scientists in their search for data and understanding.

18.   That fact alone drives scientists in their search for data and understanding.

19.   That fact alone has created enemies of the system among many taxpayers and school administrators.

20.   That fact alone makes Rick Pitino and Chris Wallace astute basketball men.

a. + fact >>共 659
simple 6.11%
mere 4.63%
hard 4.19%
in 4.12%
very 4.02%
basic 3.55%
historical 2.80%
sad 1.96%
important 1.89%
interesting 1.76%
alone 1.45%
alone + n. >>共 1030
fact 2.17%
money 1.56%
name 1.06%
year 1.06%
word 1.01%
force 0.96%
government 0.91%
number 0.81%
stand 0.76%
presence 0.65%
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