11.   It also establishes enforcement procedures that will allow inspectors to board and search vessels.

12.   Many times parents, unsure of their rights, agreed to allow inspectors into their homes.

13.   That agreement allowed inspectors, accompanied by diplomats, to enter barred presidential properties, but only for perfunctory walk-throughs.

14.   They also fault the agreement for giving North Korea several years before it allows international inspectors to visit sites suspected of containing evidence of a nuclear weapons program.

15.   After the strikes, Iraq refused to allow inspectors from the Special Committee, known as UNSCOM, to return.

16.   After the airstrikes, Iraq said it would not allow the inspectors back in the country.

17.   Arab states demanded Tuesday that Israel allow international inspectors into its nuclear facilities following a report that one site was in danger of leaking.

18.   At issue are Security Council demands that Iraq allow U.N. inspectors unrestricted access to all areas, including the eight sites Baghdad has placed off-limits.

19.   Baghdad has said it will never allow the inspectors inside of presidential palaces.

20.   Believing rebel Serbs had hidden weapons in the compound, NATO issued an ultimatum Monday for the Serbs to allow the inspectors in.

v. + inspector >>共 235
allow 7.09%
bar 6.36%
block 5.36%
prevent 3.91%
weapon 3.82%
accuse 3.73%
accompany 3.64%
send 3.36%
have 2.45%
expel 2.18%
allow + n. >>共 1326
run 6.25%
hit 5.03%
access 2.72%
use 1.57%
time 1.36%
goal 1.18%
visit 0.96%
reporter 0.96%
sale 0.85%
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inspector 0.49%
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