11.   We need to determine the best way to allocate our resources.

12.   The resources are allocated periodically at a review meeting which is preceded by individual project leaders assessing their own progress and estimating their needs for the next period.

13.   The company strategic plan will always include a budget allocating resources to each function, including RandD, in terms of staff and funds.

14.   When all the available resources have been allocated in this way the remainder of the new project proposals should be formally declared inactive.

15.   More fundamentally still, Wade asks how can bureaucrats adjust their behaviour if it is presumed that they are rational in the way they choose and allocate their resources.

16.   Establishing the effectiveness and outcomes of health care in order to allocate resources more rationally has become a key policy issue in many countries.

17.   And the strategy for allocating resources centrally from London, they say, has found precious little agreement with Scottish programme makers.

18.   And Bell admitted that many staffers are wrestling with how to allocate resources fairly.

19.   As a result, the government can allocate resources only for informational materials about the settlement that do not attempt to sway voters.

20.   As is usually the case, the incumbent is firmly in command not only of his own campaign strategy but also of how his party allocates resources.

v. + resource >>共 419
have 14.23%
use 6.24%
lack 4.92%
devote 4.17%
pool 4.11%
allocate 2.72%
provide 2.56%
share 1.62%
divert 1.62%
put 1.59%
allocate + n. >>共 220
money 18.39%
fund 12.80%
resource 7.96%
seat 4.74%
share 2.65%
land 2.18%
budget 1.80%
time 1.61%
number 1.52%
responsibility 1.52%
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