11.   The alliances also include joint frequent flier awards and other service perks, along with shared passenger handling.

12.   The alliance also includes cross-licensing of software.

13.   The alliance also includes some small Catholic and libertarian parties.

14.   The alliance includes environmentalists, the nuclear power industry, alternative energy providers, and Pacific and Caribbean island nations.

15.   The latter alliance includes Pacific Bell Mobile Services and other personal communications services providers using a digital standard known as Global System for Mobile Communications.

16.   The narrowest alliance would include combining tasks like advertising and sales.

17.   Their alliance includes Star Enterprise, a separate joint venture between Texaco and Saudi Aramco, the Saudi national oil company.

18.   These alliances will include concessions to the right and left, particularly in filling cabinet and commission posts.

19.   Along with British Airways and American, the Oneworld passenger airline alliance includes Cathay Pacific, Iberia Airlines, Aer Lingus, LanChile, Finnair and Qantas.

20.   Khan, whose alliance includes the parties of both Bhutto and Sharif, said it was not up to the military government to decide who could run.

n. + include >>共 1161
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list 1.51%
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speaker 1.10%
symptom 1.06%
coverage 0.91%
dead 0.87%
alliance 0.12%
alliance + v. >>共 550
be 13.64%
say 4.91%
have 3.78%
take 1.64%
include 1.64%
want 1.13%
give 1.10%
launch 1.07%
plan 1.07%
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