11.   House members on Wednesday debated the sensitive issue of whether airport security screeners should use ethnicity and nationality in picking passengers for extra scrutiny.

12.   I feel certain that he would have made a darned good airport screener as a result of his work ethic and his positive, caring attitude.

13.   In fact, some of the threats to which airport security screeners pay the closest attention seem distinctly unthreatening to typical passengers.

14.   It is expected to give the federal government more power to oversee the training and performance of privately employed airport screeners.

15.   Kerry argued that it is critical that airport screeners be federalized so they can share information with other federal officials.

16.   Magaw has the task of building from scratch an agency that will include a new federal force of airport screeners, security managers, air marshals and others.

17.   Mineta has said that such behavior will not be tolerated and that he hopes the new federal oversight of airport screeners will lead to greater professionalism.

18.   Public opinion had favored the Democratic plan to turn airport screeners into federal workers.

19.   She fears losing her job if she makes a mistake, and fears losing her job if Congress decides to federalize airport screeners.

20.   Senators of both parties said the Senate had largely prevailed on the most contentious issue, the federalization of airport screeners.

n. + screener >>共 21
airport 33.33%
security 25.00%
baggage 21.21%
checkpoint 3.03%
passenger 3.03%
airline 1.52%
bag 1.52%
luggage 1.52%
breach 0.76%
call 0.76%
airport + n. >>共 679
official 14.11%
security 7.70%
authority 4.33%
terminal 3.09%
worker 2.85%
spokesman 2.59%
runway 2.02%
police 1.99%
employee 1.71%
manager 1.57%
screener 0.82%
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