11.   He said he did not know when the airport could open for humanitarian aid flights.

12.   Only after all these planes have taken off does the airport open for its daily public business.

13.   People stood in lines at the airline counters, trying to make later travel arrangements, leaving telephone numbers where they could be reached when the airport opens again.

14.   The Minneapolis-St. Paul airport opened a conference center for business travelers this Monday, on the mezzanine level of the Lindbergh Terminal.

15.   The report stressed that the airport should not open before it is ready.

16.   There was one session when Chaney invited Sanchez to depart for Bahia Blanca on the first plane out, as soon as the airport opened.

17.   They said that after the new airport opens in five or six years they will convert the current airport into a city park.

18.   Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta said that if the airport did open soon, airplanes might be allowed only to arrive from the south and depart toward the south.

19.   When the airport opens for regular service next week, there will still be difficulties to resolve.

20.   Palestinian airport opens.

n. + open >>共 988
gunman 4.54%
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market 2.19%
stock 2.10%
troop 1.84%
price 1.49%
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company 1.35%
airport 0.39%
airport + v. >>共 304
be 28.80%
have 9.20%
remain 5.49%
reopen 3.49%
open 3.31%
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say 1.66%
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