11.   Hundreds of items were confiscated Saturday from airport checkpoints.

12.   Investigators believe the hijackers used box cutters in the attack because their plastic handles would not set off metal detectors at airport security checkpoints.

13.   It would require federal managers and law enforcement officers at airport checkpoints and impose federal standards on screeners.

14.   More study is needed on airport security checkpoints in the long run, he said.

15.   Muslim women have also been told to remove their headscarves at airport security checkpoints, also a violation of their beliefs, Muslim advocacy groups say.

16.   Neither is Sheneesha Turner, a heavy-set black woman who X-rays luggage at the airport security checkpoint.

17.   Now the FAA says it is about to put into place new regulations that are intended to improve screening at airport checkpoints.

18.   President Bush has said that he should be able to decide the proper mix of federal employees and private contractors at airport screening checkpoints.

19.   Q. What precautions should be taken when carrying a digital camera through airport security checkpoints?

20.   Responsibility for airport security checkpoints switches from airlines to the federal government.

n. + checkpoint >>共 84
security 23.28%
police 21.07%
army 18.95%
border 10.54%
airport 3.31%
road 1.87%
immigration 1.87%
rebel 1.53%
government 1.53%
custom 1.27%
airport + n. >>共 679
official 14.11%
security 7.70%
authority 4.33%
terminal 3.09%
worker 2.85%
spokesman 2.59%
runway 2.02%
police 1.99%
employee 1.71%
manager 1.57%
checkpoint 0.73%
每页显示:    共 39