11.   But she cautioned that one agency employee who keeps track of such warnings was not in the office this week.

12.   Cell phone use is prohibited on company grounds by any agency employee or visitor.

13.   Critics have argued that requiring agency employees to perform both duties makes it impossible for them to do either one efficiently.

14.   Detective Jimenez said he was unsure what agency employees had told the grandmother, but the agency said it had no record of inquiries.

15.   Former regional IG Benjamin said that many complaints against management are never heard in Tallahassee because agency employees fear retaliation by their superiors.

16.   He blamed his problems in part on agency employees who were upset about department changes he has made or is planning.

17.   He said that sometimes the agency employees took the initiative in soliciting bribes and kickbacks and that sometimes the contractors did.

18.   He said Joost was in charge of cleaning up a financial mess amid bitter infighting among agency employees.

19.   Instead his campaign chose the atmosphere of gatherings of insurance company and state agency employees, who were unlikely to ask hostile questions in front of their employers.

20.   Jimenez said he was unsure what agency employees told the grandmother, but the agency said it had no record of those inquiries.

n. + employee >>共 636
government 13.40%
company 5.44%
bank 5.37%
city 4.18%
airline 2.98%
hotel 2.74%
embassy 2.65%
store 1.98%
airport 1.98%
hospital 1.96%
agency 1.39%
agency + n. >>共 490
official 25.00%
spokesman 6.79%
spokeswoman 2.95%
head 2.71%
company 2.47%
employee 2.19%
worker 2.06%
executive 1.92%
report 1.92%
chief 1.13%
每页显示:    共 64