11.   Action on receipt of reply to search Advise client in all cases of contents of reply, and if any material information is given, take instructions.

12.   Action on receipt of reply to search Advise client in all cases of the contents of the reply, and if any material information is given, take instructions.

13.   Action on receipt of reply to searches Advise client in all cases of the contents of the reply and if any material information is given, take instructions.

14.   What insurance cover is available to the client?

15.   Above all, the client should be advised of the need to adopt proper contracting procedures to ensure that the terms are properly incorporated into its contracts.

16.   Among them is New York, where lawyers can handle independent adoptions and advise their clients on finding pregnant women, but not make such an introduction themselves.

17.   And he is having a more difficult time advising his clients on whether a particular program will generate a lawsuit.

18.   At the same time, Sutton said the city advice letter still does allow lobbyists to advise clients on contributions and allows lobbyist firms and clients to make contributions.

19.   Bankers say it often makes sense for them to advise lending clients on other matters, since they already know the companies well.

20.   Because of the pending lawsuit, Keith advised his clients not to comment about the memorial announcement.

v. + client >>共 540
have 4.33%
represent 4.25%
advise 3.62%
attract 2.48%
serve 2.40%
defend 2.20%
take 1.93%
help 1.73%
see 1.73%
meet 1.57%
advise + n. >>共 452
government 7.13%
client 5.71%
company 5.58%
caution 4.65%
people 3.23%
president 2.36%
student 1.43%
patient 1.43%
woman 1.36%
official 1.30%
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