11.   Separately, Glick praised Clinton administration initiatives to speed up Food and Drug Administration approvals of cancer drugs.

12.   Since the first of the year, Gore has had the starring role in announcing a number of limited administration initiatives.

13.   The focus on management is one of a number of administration initiatives to hold down spending.

14.   The loophole is partly a byproduct of a Clinton administration initiative to reduce the often years-long wait for citizenship faced by many immigrants.

15.   The Republican Congress regards many administration initiatives as just a starting point in budget negotiations.

16.   The president announced three administration initiatives for the cities.

17.   The stocks of several companies that are developing fuel cells surged on news of the administration initiative.

18.   These are Clinton-Gore administration initiatives, and they also are very important to working families.

19.   Third, it might make some specific administration initiatives more palatable to foes in Congress.

20.   Unlike other recent administration land initiatives, including the designation this week of three new national monuments, the land transfer has won support from many Western Republican lawmakers.

n. + initiative >>共 429
peace 29.20%
ballot 12.36%
policy 4.53%
government 3.10%
education 2.78%
voter 1.71%
reform 1.48%
administration 1.34%
trade 1.30%
race 0.88%
administration + n. >>共 511
official 67.91%
policy 2.58%
building 1.59%
proposal 1.47%
plan 1.24%
effort 1.01%
source 0.88%
office 0.74%
aide 0.68%
spokesman 0.61%
initiative 0.38%
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