11.   Add scallions and parsley, and adjust seasonings if necessary.

12.   Add wine or brandy and adjust seasoning to taste.

13.   Adjust Cajun seasoning to taste, adding more mix as needed.

14.   Adjust seasoning to taste and serve over rice.

15.   Adjust seasoning, if desired, and serve immediately.

16.   Adjust seasoning, if necessary.

17.   Adjust seasonings and keep sauce warm.

18.   Adjust seasonings and serve immediately.

19.   Adjust seasonings as necessary and serve hot on its own or piled onto a hamburger bun or sandwich bread.

20.   Adjust seasonings if necessary.

v. + seasoning >>共 54
adjust 52.37%
correct 7.69%
add 7.10%
check 5.62%
need 4.44%
have 2.07%
use 2.07%
rub 1.18%
combine 0.89%
blend 0.89%
adjust + n. >>共 682
seasoning 7.55%
figure 4.22%
rate 2.82%
price 2.77%
position 2.60%
portfolio 2.09%
schedule 1.88%
heat 1.49%
number 1.45%
amount 1.41%
每页显示:    共 176