11.   Integration Recognition can be improved by using additional linguistic information.

12.   Recording from single units provides this additional information.

13.   The layout of documents can provide additional information which also places constraints on the recognition process.

14.   The only way for correct recognition to be achieved in such situations is by the use of additional contextual information.

15.   The searcher is kept better informed as to related terms under which additional information or documents have been indexed.

16.   The supervisory authority May forbid the publication of an offer document that is incomplete or requires additional information.

17.   Therefore the rational expectations hypothesis suggests a valid method of incorporating additional information when estimating macroeconomic models which contain expectation terms.

a. + information >>共 877
new 4.98%
further 4.69%
personal 3.49%
financial 2.80%
additional 2.49%
detailed 2.25%
classified 2.10%
false 1.87%
sensitive 1.77%
confidential 1.74%
additional + n. >>共 1347
information 2.66%
money 2.31%
charge 2.11%
detail 1.67%
fund 1.53%
cost 1.48%
security 1.22%
troop 0.94%
test 0.90%
revenue 0.88%
每页显示:    共 450