11.   In Brussels Zairian Prime Minister Kengo wa Dondo accused Rwandan troops, who are predominately Tutsi, of invading eastern Zaire and fighting alongside fellow Tutsi in Zaire.

12.   In his briefing, Yaqub said human rights groups had accused Indian troops in Kashmir of a catalog of abuses, ranging from rape and sexual mutilation to murder.

13.   Islamic opposition forces often accused government troops of indiscriminate violence against their civilian adherents, but commentators place most of the blame on the Islamic forces.

14.   Meantime, Ethiopian troops were accused of opening fire on a crowd, killing two people, in the Somali border town of Bulo Hawo.

15.   Palestinans accuse Israeli troops of murdering hundreds of civilians during an assault on the camp.

16.   Palestinians accused Israeli troops of firing into residential areas, as they have done before.

17.   Responding a critique that accused his troops of lacking motivation, Zahir said that his soldiers were prepared to fight Al Qaeda.

18.   Russia portrays its war in Chechnya as a struggle against terrorists and bandits, but human rights monitors have accused federal troops of abuses against civilians.

19.   The United Nations has accused Croatian troops of torturing and killing ethnic Serbian civilians since Croatian forces recaptured the Krajina region from secessionist Serbs.

20.   Zairian officials have accused Rwandan troops of carrying out the attacks in the north and supplying and fighting alongside the Zairian Tutsi rebels in the south.

v. + troop >>共 445
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deploy 5.55%
pull 2.68%
have 2.57%
station 2.15%
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commit 1.44%
accuse + n. >>共 529
government 15.04%
police 4.24%
official 3.03%
company 2.75%
authority 2.75%
rebel 2.29%
leader 2.26%
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man 1.75%
force 1.71%
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