11.   The governor accused the department of breaking an agreement earlier this year by sending a shipment of nuclear waste through the state during a period of heavy traffic.

12.   The report provides fresh ammunition for black farmers, who have long accused the department of ignoring their complaints that they have been the victims of racial discrimination.

13.   The report was released Thursday by a watchdog group, the Project on Government Oversight, which accused the department of dragging its feet on collecting the money.

14.   They accuse the department of neglecting to follow up on leads that could result in the arrests of scores of officers who broke the law in years past.

15.   Thompson also accused the department of withholding pertinent information about the investigation from his committee and dragging its feet on committee requests for witness immunity.

16.   To make his point Ramsey wrote a senior sociology paper in which he accused the department of racism.

17.   Provisional councillor Lee Kwok-keung accused the department of failing to set up a minimum wage system to protect workers.

18.   Attorney General Eliot Spitzer accused the department of committing a litany of abuses and retaliating against those who complained.

19.   Jackson was flanked by attorney Johnnie Cochran Jr. and several Highland Park police officers who have accused their department of targeting minority drivers.

20.   Prosecutors who filed criminal charges against four officers on trial stemming from the largest police corruption scandal in city history are accusing the department of hindering their investigation.

v. + department >>共 400
say 4.13%
head 3.80%
run 3.72%
leave 2.83%
eliminate 2.27%
accuse 2.02%
have 2.02%
create 1.94%
criticize 1.70%
join 1.54%
accuse + n. >>共 529
government 15.04%
police 4.24%
official 3.03%
company 2.75%
authority 2.75%
rebel 2.29%
leader 2.26%
troop 2.05%
man 1.75%
force 1.71%
department 0.22%
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