11.   Previous statements have ruled out disarmament, even though the Good Friday accord said this should be complete by next May.

12.   The accord says only Serb traffic police would be stationed in the area.

13.   The accord said no child worker could be fired unless there is facility for schooling.

14.   The accord said the next inter-Korean summit would be held in Seoul, the South Korean capital, but no date was set.

15.   The accord said no child worker could be fired unless she had a place in a school.

16.   The border area has potentially lucrative oil deposits, and the accord says any natural wealth discovered along the border will be extracted by both countries.

17.   The peace accord says Herzeg-Bosna must be dismantled in January and its officials merged with Muslims in a federal power structure.

18.   The scope of each withdrawal was never specified, but the accord said Israel was to withdraw to military locations.

19.   To date, the NATO governments have balked at that, saying that the Dayton accord says nothing about allied troops arresting war crimes suspects.

20.   Finally, the accord said, several of the leaders of the mutiny would be sent on training courses abroad.

n. + say >>共 480
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accord 0%
accord + v. >>共 388
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