111.   Water flows downhill, and this is the down-hilliest place on Earth, the basin of the Dead Sea.

112.   Water flows from the faucet, through the hose and into the filter, where it can be drained through a spigot.

113.   Water flows over pipes installed laterally along the course to create turbulance and move water through the course.

114.   What this means, basically, is that water is flowing upward through the sand.

115.   When ice on land melts, the water flows to the sea, producing one of the other relatively simple consequences of a warming trend.

116.   When the windows are closed, water flowing through the mullions separating the window panes provides heating and cooling.

117.   Where fresh water flows from the islands, there are breaks in the lagoon, allowing ships to pass safely into port.

118.   While liquid water cannot exist on the Martian surface because of its low air pressure, water could flow just below the surface.

119.   Without the ditches, the water flows slowly and harmful nutrients are filtered out by swamp vegetation.

120.   With the ditches, periodic inundations of unfiltered water create problems for marine animals living where the water flows.

n. + flow >>共 585
money 9.05%
water 7.56%
blood 3.99%
tear 3.67%
river 3.06%
oil 2.51%
traffic 2.41%
capital 1.90%
air 1.86%
power 1.62%
water + v. >>共 718
be 24.80%
come 2.96%
flow 2.74%
run 2.66%
recede 2.46%
rise 2.04%
have 1.62%
begin 1.36%
seep 1.36%
get 1.13%
每页显示:    共 162