111.   The consensus was seen as a step forward in the fight against teen pregnancy.

112.   The county has one of the highest teen pregnancy rates in the state.

113.   The debt is down, but so is teen pregnancy.

114.   The crime rate, the welfare and food stamp rolls, the poverty rate and the teen pregnancy rate are all down.

115.   The fledgling program was created last year by the Georgia legislature as part of welfare reform, with participating counties picked on the basis of their teen pregnancy rates.

116.   The figures give some hope to efforts aimed to curb teen pregnancies and births, said Isabel Sawhill, president of the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy.

117.   The lawmakers also are pushing for more programs beyond abstinence counseling to prevent teen pregnancy.

118.   The message has gotten across this nation about the great need we had for addressing the epidemic of teen pregnancy.

119.   The lowering teen pregnancy rate has cranked our culture warriors, with the abstinence and the contraceptive crowds equally claiming credit.

120.   The movement has brought young people battling drugs, crime, AIDS, teen pregnancy and illiteracy back into the fold by confronting taboo subjects in the music.

a. + pregnancy >>共 162
teen 16.65%
unwanted 14.08%
teen-age 11.61%
teenage 5.80%
unplanned 2.95%
early 2.85%
first 2.66%
difficult 2.57%
unintended 2.38%
high-risk 2.28%
teen + n. >>共 383
pregnancy 12.31%
smoking 8.30%
year 5.84%
idol 3.80%
mother 2.60%
girl 2.46%
magazine 2.25%
suicide 1.97%
drug 1.97%
driver 1.48%
每页显示:    共 174