111.   But he realized that even with increased U.S. production the domestic garlic supply would be a little short this year.

112.   But electricity is so vital that consumers and businesses will pay almost any price when supplies are tight.

113.   But energy analysts warn the market could stumble before regaining its stride because the supplies are so high compared to the demand.

114.   But if fully functional isletlike structures could be generated from human embryonic stem cells, supply would not be a problem.

115.   But he said there was no strike or the threat of any at the wholesale food market in Rungis, so supplies were unaffected.

116.   But later on the same program, Frist said that the drug supply was adequate for the time being.

117.   But propane is a bit like oil because domestic supplies are limited, in contrast with natural gas or electricity, which can be produced in vast quantities.

118.   But supplies are tight, giving dealers the upper hand in negotiations.

119.   But supply is no longer the burden it was then, when bond prices dropped as the market contended with distributing the securities.

120.   But the underlying concern, he added, is whether baby supplies are a market Toys R Us really needs to be in.

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supply 0.06%
supply + v. >>共 305
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come 2.28%
remain 2.24%
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