111.   Japanese bonds fell after politicians called for income tax cuts as part of any package to spur economic growth.

112.   Japanese bonds fell after a senior politician called for income tax cuts to spur economic growth and amid renewed concerns over inflation in the U.S.

113.   It works by blocking the effects of estrogen, which can spur the growth of some breast tumors.

114.   Japanese bonds fell a day after a senior politician called for income tax cuts to spur economic growth, and amid renewed concerns over inflation in the U.S.

115.   Japanese bonds fell after politicians called for income tax cuts to be part of a package to spur economic growth.

116.   Japanese bonds fell, driving yields to the highest in almost four months, on growing expectations the government will come up with new measures to spur economic growth.

117.   Kemp repeatedly missed opportunities to statistically prove his claim that tax cuts spur growth.

118.   Khatami, a moderate cleric who won a landslide victory in May, said his government will focus on reducing inflation and spurring economic growth.

119.   Khatami said yesterday his government will focus on reducing inflation and spurring economic growth.

120.   Kahin, whose doctorate was in political science from Johns Hopkins, spurred the growth of Southeast Asian studies.

v. + growth >>共 699
slow 6.79%
spur 4.62%
stimulate 4.51%
boost 3.36%
show 3.06%
promote 2.72%
see 2.68%
encourage 2.14%
expect 2.01%
fuel 1.99%
spur + n. >>共 522
growth 14.40%
economy 5.12%
demand 5.01%
inflation 4.30%
sale 3.51%
development 3.37%
investment 2.54%
interest 2.08%
concern 1.61%
competition 1.40%
每页显示:    共 400